AML Consulting Engineers is an advisory firm specialising in Welding and Mechanical Engineering Services delivering a range of engineering services across Asia-Pacific. We pride ourselves on our engineering excellence in delivering innovative and functional design solutions.
Welding Services
- Assessment of contract documentation & design reviews.
- Technical advice on producing sound welds.
- Co-ordination and control of welding related operations.
- Technical representation at meetings with client.
- Writing welding procedures and qualification testing of welders.
- Technical assessment of contractors
Material Selection & Testing
- Advice on material selection and behavioral effects of composition variation.
- Material analysis and corrosion testing.
- Metallurgical investigation
Inspection & Investigation
- Visual inspection and non-destructive testing.
- Investigation of weld problems and failure analysis.
Mechanical Services
- Assessment of contract documentation & design reviews.
- Technical advice on producing sound welds.
- Co-ordination and control of mechanical related operations.
- Technical representation at meetings with client.
- Writing mechanical procedures
- Technical assessment of contractors
Inspection & Investigation
- Mechanical inspection services
- Investigation of mechanical problems and failure analysis.
Quality Assurance
- Establishment and maintenance of mechanical quality requirements
- Writing and auditing quality systems
- Assessment of subcontractor’s quality systems
- Inspection Services
- Assessment of contract documentation & design reviews
- Technical assessment of contractors

AML Engineering Consultants
35 Woomera Avenue
Edinburgh SA 5111
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM